Together, we can shape a brighter future for our young people. Let's guide them to harness their entrepreneurial spirit, drive and creativity to build businesses that are not only successful but also ethical and impactful.
Few schools have the capacity or capability to teach modern business skills - just 17.3% of young people have access to work experience.
At best current offerings only have enriching existing platforms or creators as their goals. At worst they are a corrupting influence on young people, with harmful impacts across society.
On an Earniversity programme, students learn multiple money-earning skills coupled with employability skills. They apply and practice these skills with their own, unique online presence to promote their products and services.
Earniversity's values-driven entrepreneurial education takes space within a framework that prioritises safety and welfare of the participants:
Empower a student with a bursary for a free placement within our program. Your ethical investment of approximately £400 per student per annum directly contributes to the ethical and entrepreneurial development of young minds.
Support our initiative to establish Earniversity Hubs in colleges facing funding challenges. Your ethical investment of approximately £40,000 per college per annum not only aids educational institutions but also aligns with our shared vision of the value entrepreneurship brings people and society.
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